Monday, September 6, 2010

Kade is 6 months old and weighs 18 pounds!!!!

So I thought if I created a blog, I would use it as sort of my diary of motherhood. Well, Kade is now 6 months old and this is only my second post.....pretty sad, I know. Either I am really slack or I just have too many other things occupying my time (family, work, friends, coaching, and the list goes on)!

Here is the latest on Kade:
Sleeping: 7:30pm to 7am, yes we are sooooooo lucky :)
First word: Hey
Physical milestones: rolling over, up on all fours, sitting up, scooting, rocking, etc. will be crawling soon!
Food: milk-starting the switch to formula (although I have MANY bags of my milk in the freezer)
solids-still trying to make as much of his food as possible, but I won't lie, he has had Gerber foods, too! foods he's tried: squash, beans, peas, spinach, avocado, bananas, applesauce, prunes, peaches, and tried chicken for the first time last night!!
A few other fun things: he's beginning to repeat your facial expressions, loves leaning in for kisses (with an open mouth, of course), is aware of ALL that surrounds him, no teeth yet but they HAVE to be coming soon, does the separation anxiety thing sometimes, LOVES to swim-even going under the water some, is smitten by his daddy and his daddy is smitten by him!!!!
Kade's first "sick" visit to the doctor was last week. He had his first cold and they gave him some baby benadryl. He went back at the end of the week for his 6 month "well" visit and immunizations. He weighs 18 pounds, 6 ounces-our chunky monkey :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Yay, we have a blog!!

Yes, I'm finally getting with the times!! With our first baby on the way in just 5 weeks, I figured this would be the best way for everyone to keep up with all the updates!! Now I just need to figure out how to customize this blog and make it worth looking at!